New attributes can be added to JSON response. Client side implementation should not rely on the order of the attributes.
"sub": "808980",
"ctx": "personal",
"roles": [
"iss": "",
"client_id": "PTRYQPSEIH",
"aud": "PTRYQPSEIH",
"nbf": 1637782955,
"org_id": 348970,
"scope": "profile",
"username": "sslaylock",
"guid": "ff3801b6-3ac1-345d-7211-6dbe9213a233",
"exp": 1637784755,
"iat": 1637782955,
"jti": "cd4901c9-4ac0-475a-8a59-5dbe9213a00f"
Field | Type | Description |
iss | String | Unique identifier for the entity that issued the JWT |
sub | Guid | Internal unique identifier of the user |
aud | String | Identifies the authorization server as an intended audience. The hostname that processed the request |
exp | Integer | Unix Timestamp at which the JWT expires |
iat | Integer | Unix Timestamp at which the JWT was issued |
district | Guid | The unique id of user’s district in SSO Platform |
school | Guid | The unique id of user’s organization in SSO Platform |
type | String | User's type - one of the following values: “district_admin”, “school_admin”, ”teacher”, ”student”, “contact” |
last_modified | Integer | Unix timestamp when attributes of the user were modified (reserved for future use) |