Obtain metadata of School Passport for a user

New attributes can be added to JSON response. Client side implementation should not rely on the order of the attributes.


GET /portal/services/passport?access_token={valueOfAccessToken}


The endpoint to retrieve metadata about content of user's SSO Passport

  "ownerId": 2282419,
  "children": [
  	"assetId": 564838,
  	"ownerId": 2282416,
  	"type": "FOLDER",
  	"name": "School Resources",
  	"children": [
      	"assetId": 564844,
      	"ownerId": 2282416,
      	"type": "SSOLINK",
      	"parentId": 564838,
      	"name": "Curriki",
      	"sizex": 2,
      	"sizey": 2,
      	"position": 1,
      	"image": "curriki.png",
      	"applicationId": "Curriki"
      	"assetId": 590744,
      	"ownerId": 2282416,
      	"type": "BKM",
      	"parentId": 564838,
      	"name": "Google",
      	"url": "https://www.google.com",
      	"sizex": 2,
      	"sizey": 2,
      	"position": 2,
      	"image": "upload/2282412/ahCKGAjAWGDX.png"
  	"sizex": 2,
  	"sizey": 2,
  	"position": 1
  "resourcesStorage": {
	"baseUrl": "https://graphics.gg4l.com/p/content/images/"

assetIdBigIntegerA unique identifier of the asset
ownerIdBigIntegerA unique identifier of the owner of the assets in SSO Passport. Owner of the asset has administrative rights on the respective asset.
parentIdBigIntegerThe unique identifier of the Asset that is a containers for the given resource
typeStringThe type of the Asset:
FOLDER - folder (a container for other assets)
SSOLINK - an SSO enabled asset
BKM - a bookmark that does not requires authorization (SSO) through GG4L
urlStringThe URL of the Asset (applies to asset with the type of “BKM”)
imageStringThe URI of the image that represents an Asset in the Passport. Can be an absolute path or a value that needs to be concatenated with the value of “resourcesStorage”
positionIntegerUsed order of assets in layout of SSO Passport
sizexIntegerHorizontal size (relative units from 1 to 5)
sizeyIntegerVertical size (relative units from 1 to 5)